Friday, March 02, 2007

It's Friday - Hurrahhh!
Just settled in at work with my everything bagel and OJ. MMMM! I love Fridays. I don't have to work out today! After work, I am going to be LAZY!

Yesterday was a good day. I had some major troubles getting out of bed, so I stayed in it. Essentially, this meant that I was forced to complete all of my workouts after work. Initially, I resisted. I instead visited Target. Then I realized it was time to get to it. Headed to the gym and first did my run. I was only supposed to run 60 minutes. I ran slow. It was actually pretty nice. Then I decided to lift. I've been doing that a bit more lately, only because I have really missed it. I really enjoy it, but haven't had much time to do it with all of the endurance work I have to do. After lifting I headed to the pool. Since I am in the "quality phase", I have three quailty workouts for each of the events per week. Thursday is quality swim workout day. I warmed up with 300 yards, very easy. Then I completed 2 sets of 6x50 buildups (start slow and increase to full speed by end) with 15 sec rest. Then I did 1 set of 5x100 anoxic (meaning take a breath every 3rd stroke). After that was 1 set of 5x100 all out. Yes, I know - this is all terribly exciting. Including warm up, cool down and the rest laps in between the hard sets, I swam 2300 yards. Woo Hoo.

All right - I need to get back to work or I am going to have to stay late tonight.

Ciao Ciao!!


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