Sunday, January 28, 2007

I am humbled by the ocean. So yesterday starts a phase of optional Saturday swim workouts. Why not? I had a mellow Friday night - Cooked some dinner and crashed watching a movie. Got up on Saturday and had coerced Brad B. into swimming with me - I thought I should practice in the ocean. After all, the race itself is in the ocean and I had a few ocean swims in Hawaii. How bad can it be? I've been swimming a few thousand yards a week and so I felt ready. We dragged our asses to the ocean by 10am yesterday morning - by Crystal Pier in Pacific Beach. Looking back, this was probably not the best place to go and try to swim laps, but moving on... I put on (with great difficulty) my wetsuit (first time since Wildflower last May), swim cap and grabbed my goggles. Into the cold, cold water we headed (about 50 degrees). It was cold. My feet and hands went numb. Then there were the waves. Everytime I dove under one, there was another right behind it. If I tried to go over, I was caught in the wave and rolled, losing air and my googles. This went on for what seemed like an hour, but was actually probably closer to 5 or 10 minutes. I grew super tired and so did Brad and I realized that I it was probably not the best idea to stay out much longer - I couldn't seem to get past the breaking point and there was no hope of swimming freestyle with all of the waves. We decided to head in - I was super tired and thought I might drown. WE eventually made it, short one pair of goggles :-( but two bodies intact :-) Came back here and cooked some breakfast and then I passed out on the couch for a few hours. Then it was time to get up and go running. Yesterday was 80 minutes. I got in about 8 or 9ish miles. Then watched the MSU v. OSU game. SO disappointing - Almost pulled out an upset. After disappointing game, 2 beers and 3 pieces of Hoboken pizza, fell asleep on chair watching movie. Awoke at 12:30 and headed to bed - EXCITMENT!

The past two weeks of training went well - Week 8 was recovery week so workouts were pretty mellow. This week (9) was pretty tough - I swam my first 2000 yd workout on Tuesday and then ran 7 miles that night. Nothing too eventful with training this week. Feeling super tired and body sore. Need a personal massuese (can't spell for shit. Sorry).

My old roomie, Alex, and his friend Matt came down and surprised me on Tuesday night and stayed until Thursday. Had lots of fun catching up with them. On Wednesday when I was at work, they fixed up my road bike so it is good as new (and has new red handlebars - woo hoo!). Lots of fun. Can't wait to ride it (if that didn't involve energy - something I am severely lacking right now).

Currently I'm sitting in my bed eating chocolate macademia nuts from Hawaii and too lazy to get up. I need to get up and go biking. I am supposed to bike 50 miles today, but my legs are so tired and my body aches.... Ahhh. I guess I had better do it. No time like the present.

Hope all is well. Ta Ta for now!


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