I found this article today about prostate cancer (research at that other school in Michigan) on msnbc.com:
Here is an interesting statistic: "Prostate cancer kills about 254,000 a year. In the United States, 29,000 men die of it each year, making it the No. 2 cause of cancer death in men, behind lung cancer."
This is the cause for all of this hoopla, this go around! Countless training runs, rides, laps in the pool, for the prostate. A friend of mine wrote "It gives me goosebumps to think that years ago when another athlete like yourself did the same, their monies went to research that may have eventually led to procedures and knowledge that assisted your father beat this disease today." This is true - money being raised now, will help fund studies (like the one at that other school mentioned above) that help other people's Dads, Brothers, Husbands, Sons, Nephews, Uncles, Grandfathers, Friends, Etc. I haven't forgotten this and am still working to reach my goal!!
Thanks for reading!
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