Well, not quite, but we'll get to that. Many of you that know me, know that since ~2003, I have spent much of my time at work in cube wonderland sitting on a yoga ball. I prefer the yoga ball as my office chair. Not only do I like to bounce, but I find I maintain better posture and tend to feel more refreshed after 8-9 hours in cube wonderland. Sitting in a chair tends to make me slouch and get a little cranky. I started my new job a year ago to the date (Jan 28). I promptly inflated my yoga ball and began to use it as my chair. Some co-workers made funny little comments such as the title of this post and others were intrigued about how I managed to sit on the thing most of any given day. Last Friday an e-mail asked me to visit the office of some of the powers-that-be. I racked my mind trying to think of what I had done.... I made the visit around 3:30 and was told that Company X has deemed my chair "unsafe" and I am no longer allowed to use. So, therefore, I'm no longer on the ball. It's not a huge deal - I don't have major back issues or anything like that - I just wonder if someone complained or what? It seems funny that Company X spent resources telling me I can not sit on a yoga ball. So be it. Rule-breaker, I am not. I continue on from boring desk chair (and I'm slouching).
So continuing on... I find myself smack in the middle of week 9. It's getting harder. The furthest swim to date was yesterday and it was a frigid morning in SD (40's!!!) - brrr!!! Made it all 40 laps for 2000m. My strained hammie from last week is on the mend and only a slight bit sore. That is about it. Tonight I am going to ride the Lemond on my trainer while watching American Idol and Law & Order (I love DVR)! An exciting life I lead. All right - break is up. I'm back to the grind. Happy Hump Day Everyone!
that sucks! i know 2 other friends that sit on yoga balls at work and I sit on mine at home when watching the tube. Maybe if you wear some type of headgear protection thingy they'll let you sit on it again. :)
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